Molly's Heart is driven by helping to make the world a better place. That is why we are concerned with where our products come from, how they are made, what they are made of and who made them. The vast majority of our products are produced by women who belong to vulnerable areas in African societies.
Our goal is to run a socially responsible economic business model, where we aim to improve the conditions for micro entrepreneurs and family producers as well as empower women and pass on cultural stories. That's why Molly's Heart works with non-profit NGOs, Fair Trade organizations and directly with local producers.
Fair trade and socially responsible products help support sustainable development and poverty alleviation. We believe that "trade is better than aid".
Sustainability is, among other things, about taking care of the Earth so that it is not harmed by the way we live. We can all contribute to this. The choices we make have meaning and consequences for the Earth. At Molly's Heart, sustainability is a value that shines through everything we do. We only buy products created with respect for people and the environment. Our designs are classic and the products long-lasting. It is, among other things, to minimize the "buy-and-throw-away" culture.
We make extremely high demands on materials, partners and the working conditions under which production is carried out.
We believe that if we all do a little, it adds up to a lot.
Social responsibility
Social responsibility is, among other things, when a company acts and behaves responsibly towards both customers, employees and business partners and ensures accountability throughout the entire supply chain and makes products that are in no way harmful.
Molly's Heart buys products from smaller producers, such as small family-run businesses, in order to support the local population as much as possible. We visit most of our suppliers to make sure that the working conditions are in order and we can vouch for the production of the goods we offer our customers.
Fair Trade
Where possible, we buy in through WFTO-stamped organizations (World Fair Trade Organization), FLO (Fairtrade Labeling Organization International) and Fair Trade Denmark and work according to Fair Trade principles. Fair Trade trade is a principle where producers in less developed countries are guaranteed better rights, including higher wages, wages during illness or pregnancy, equal pay between the sexes, ensuring that children do not work instead of going to school and more. By shopping at Molly's Heart, you are helping to create jobs for vulnerable people as well as reducing the environmental impact.
Zero waste, upcycling and recycling
Zero waste is a set of principles focused on waste prevention that encourages re-designing resource life cycles so that products are reused. The goal of this movement is to avoid sending waste to landfills, incinerators or the sea. Currently, only 9% of the world's plastic and 7% of the world's total waste is recycled. Molly's Heart contributes to zero waste by e.g. to ensure that all plastic used in our products is recycled plastic (see video here ). Zero waste is also when the artist Patrice Balma from Burkina Faso collects scraps of used brass pipes and makes sculptures. See video here . Similarly, when bags are woven from leftover materials, when saris and carpets are resewn into shirts, dresses and jackets. Earth's resources are recycled instead of thrown away.
Molly's Heart Activate Fair Trade.
Formålet med FN's 17 verdensmål er at afhjælpe nogle af verdens mest presserende udfordringer og skabe en mere bæredygtig, retfærdig og fredelig verden inden 2030. Målene adresserer forskellige aspekter af global udvikling, herunder bekæmpelse af fattigdom, sult, ulighed, og klimaforandringer samt fremme af sundhed, uddannelse, ligestilling og bæredygtig økonomisk vækst. FN's verdensmål fungerer som en global dagsorden for at mobilisere regeringer, virksomheder og civilsamfundet til samarbejde om at opnå en mere bæredygtig fremtid for alle.
Afskaf fattigdom
Ved at støtte mikro iværksættere og familie-producenter i udviklingslande bidrager Molly's Heart til at reducere fattigdom.
Ligestilling mellem kønnene
Fokuserer på at styrke kvinders muligheder og roller i samfundet, hvilket er i tråd med ligestillingsmålet.
Anstændige jobs og økonomisk vækst
Samarbejdet med non-profit NGO'er og Fair Trade-organisationer samt direkte med lokale producenter sikrer anstændige arbejdsforhold og fremmer økonomisk vækst.
Mindre ulighed
Ved at handle under fair trade-principper og støtte mindre udviklede samfund, arbejder Molly's Heart for at reducere uligheder.
Ansvarligt forbrug og produktion
Fokus på bæredygtighed, genbrug og minimere "køb-og-smid-væk"-kulturen afspejler dette mål.
Zero waste-initiativer og fokus på genanvendelse og upcycling bidrager til klimaindsatsen.
Partnerskaber for handling
Samarbejdet med forskellige organisationer og fokus på fælles mål om bæredygtighed og fair trade er i tråd med mål 17.