Vi styrker kvinder og skaber værdige liv.

Vi er her for at skabe nye muligheder for
afrikanske kvinder og deres familier, så de kan leve et værdigt liv.

Vores mål er at bryde fattigdomscirklen ved at introducere et univers af Fair Trade-produkter. Vi hylder princippet om 'work as the solution'. Vi udruster kvinderne til selvhjælp gennem køb af deres produkter. Vi betaler mellem 5-10 gange mere for kvindernes produkter end de kan få på lokale markeder og langs vejkanter, hvor de normalt sælger deres varer.  

Tak for dit besøg her på siden.

Discover the beauty of Fair Trade craftsmanship

At Molly's Heart, we invite you to explore a world where every object tells a unique story. Our carefully selected Fair Trade products combine aesthetics with responsibility. Support artisans and contribute to global sustainability with every beautifully designed product.

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Socially responsible products

Molly's Heart creates fair trade with developing countries (especially Africa). We ensure good conditions in terms of pay, education, health and human rights in all our working relationships.

Our products are selected with great care and consideration. We focus on the highest level of design, quality and craftsmanship. We also focus on beautiful and durable products fitting into our Nordic homes.

The vast majority of our products are unique and they are all handmade. That is, there is only one of its kind. Eg. one sculpture, a bag, a piece of jewelry, a basket, etc. that looks exactly like the unit you buy. This also means that we sometimes sell out. We try to supplement with both similar and other exciting unique items as soon as possible.

We hope that you will help leave a positive mark on the world.

Molly's Heart

Molly's Heart has a vision to promote global equality, togetherness and respect. We do this by initiating and actively participating in socially responsible trade with developing countries. Especially Africa.

We run a socially responsible business model where we aim to improve the conditions for micro entrepreneurs and family producers and strengthen women's opportunities.

Molly's Heart collaborates with non-profit NGOs, Fair Trade organizations and directly with local producers. It gives people with extremely limited financial resources a way of life. And it allows us to help these people.

We focus on the environmental and social footprint we leave on the world. We do this through the cooperation agreements we have, the products we buy, the events we hold and the values ​​we live by.

Through our values; cohesion, openness, kindness and optimism, it is the dream to be able to create increased responsible trade and to make people aware of the enormous potential that exists in many places despite extremely challenging living conditions.

Our mission is "To activate and accelerate socially responsible trade through awareness and presentation".

Welcome to

  • Afskaf fattigdom

    Ved at støtte mikro iværksættere og familie-producenter i udviklingslande bidrager Molly's Heart til at reducere fattigdom.

  • Ligestilling mellem kønnene

    Gennem samhandel styrker vi kvinders muligheder og roller i familien og i samfundet.

  • Anstændige jobs og økonomisk vækst

    Vi ansætter kvinder på Fair Trade løn- og ansættelsesvilkår. Vi samarbejdet med non-profit NGO'er og Fair Trade-organisationer og sikrer anstændige arbejdsforhold og fremmer økonomisk vækst.