Collection: Art

Diversity and Fair Trade in every work

Discover a world of art at Molly's Heart, where each piece tells its own unique story. From modern wall art made from leftover textiles by Sheworks, representing Danish design quality and sustainability, to authentic brass artwork from Burkina Faso by Patrice Balma, who transforms recycled materials into incredible sculptures. Each piece of art is a testament to creativity and craftsmanship.

Our collection also includes beautiful handwoven baskets from Senegal, perfect for wall decoration or as unique table arrangements, as well as sand art on recycled wood that brings the natural beauty of Senegal into your home. Explore the magnificent painting "Colorful World and its people" by Senegalese artist M. Baba Ly, a celebration of color and culture.

Each art object at Mollys Heart is carefully selected to ensure ethical and sustainable production under Fair Trade principles. By choosing art from our collection, you support artisans and artists from around the world and bring part of their culture and history into your home.